
I used to be seriously into this show but I found myself thinking the same thing: IDGAF who Negan killed. Any one character is just as good as the other.

The ratings dropped enough that AMC's stock price dropped, in fact.

I'll take your word for it because I think it's just been a muddled mess for her the last few episodes and I've gotten tired of her inexplicable actions. But, that's me, I prefer her scaring the bejeezus out of little kids and owning it.

I think Daryl went after Carol, too, and then Michonne and Glenn went after Daryl and that's how they all ended up getting caught by the saviors crew.

Guarantee we'll get a close up of some bacon frying.

Cargo pants would be essential in the za. Hell, they're essential now to homeless people who actually have cargo to carry around.

I guess next episode will be a Daryl episode and the edit seems to make it look like Dwight is probably going to end up befriending and helping Daryl at some point. Or vice versa. Then we'll probably come back to Rick & the gang and any momentum gained will come to a screeching halt and we'll have a bunch of

I just hope they don't kill her off in some stupid way.

I'm left wondering, too, why we didn't get other stories woven in among this one. Would it have been too difficult to show where Daryl was being held while they're introducing the kingdom? Or to catch up with the gang heading back to Alexandria? I think this was an ok episode but I don't think it needed a full hour.

I wonder if/when that happens if we'll see the rocket launcher again, because right now it kinda seems like they forgot they have it.

I cringed when she started in with her fake happy schtick. It really is a ridiculous ploy considering that all the happy, nice people are dead by now and the only ones left are the hardasses. Thank God Ezekial called her out on it and we don't have to see any more of fake happy Carol.

I found myself being very annoyed with Carol. I don't know what she wants, would she rather roam around pointlessly instead of trying to live in an established settlement? She was ready to burn off as soon as she could without even knowing much at all about the place she was at.
I'm thrilled that there are new places

I expected the tiger to be a disaster. I was pleasantly surprised.

Sunday night football.

None of the people who own the horses seem to be aware that two people can ride a horse at the same time. When they were traveling on horseback was Morgan thinking 'what the fuck' when he had to walk behind everyone and dodge horse shit?

I flipped channels between this, SNF, and World Series. This episode kinda dragged along like I kinda figured the episode after the premier would, but I think I like Ezekiel, the kingdom, and some of the kingdom's people. What this episode made me realize is that Rick and the gang are a fucking drag and a bunch of

I think that going forward Michelle and Taylor are going to be rudely surprised. I think that Jay isn't really invested in keeping their alliance going, considering that he tried to tell Taylor early on that hooking up was stupid and put their alliance numbers at risk and Taylor was just like "nah, bruh". I think

I think everyone recognized that figgy was the brains behind the Faylor operation and the more dangerous player to keep around.

After Hannah's flip when they voted off Mari at tribal council I don't trust her.

When Probst was busting his balls about marrying him and Figgy I was cringing, literally cringing. That dude is a moron.