
Me, too. I was on my couch with fingers crossed, "pleasebefiggypleasebefiggypleasebefiggypleasebefiggypleasebefiggy".
When Jeff announced she was leaving I actually shouted Yeah!!!

I think the same thing about Ken. I think he's going to be behind some big moves going forward because they sure are making him out to be a player.

I don't give Figgy credit for being 1/4 as smart as Parvati. She loudly exclaimed her love for Michelle this episode, putting a mark on both their backs and the whole thing with Taylor was just dumb, dumb, dumb. Fig sunk herself with her stupidity.

Gah, Fig's speech at the end was the worst. She said she would've stayed and picked them all off one by one. Really? Your ass was about to be voted off at the first tribal council if Hannah hadn't been such a wuss and so easily led to change her vote.

Thanks, I couldn't remember if Adam had one but I thought he did.

I think there has to be something going on with Shelby. She healed awfully well for someone who'd damn near been quartered by a cleaver. She seemed good as new when she was crushing Matt's skull with a crowbar.

Even if there was no car, why didn't they book it to town if town was only 5 miles? Am I not remembering this correctly or was there not a lot of daylight left when they initially went to look for the trailer to call an ambulance for Shelby? That she apparently didn't need anyway.

No, the people who, for some reason, get bent out of shape when someone says they like the show. I think attacks on the writing are fair game but calling people names because they like a show is just dumb. Although I will say some of the superfans do that, too, when someone criticizes it. It's really kinda weird.

Sure. I think TWD has earned some criticism but what I don't understand is the criticism of the viewer, considering that everyone's choices of what they enjoy can be questionable to someone else.

Probably because there's no in between. When it's good, it's really good but it can sure suck it up, too. There's no consistency and it gets frustrating when you try to like it and you end up sitting thru some stinkers waiting, hoping, for another really good episode. At least that's how I see it.

I can see that, but I think that TWD causes some of its own identity problems. They do some cheesy stuff, have some pretty bad dialogue, characters do off the wall things, etc, but, I think, the writers try to make it a serious drama. I think that if they just accepted that this show is not ER or Law & Order and

It seems this show always just misses the mark. It's almost good, but not quite.

He'll get guest star status and canned applause when he makes an appearance.

It's a vile word and I hope that one day it becomes as taboo as some other words that used to be commonly heard.

I was trying to see both sides, but yeah, I agree that both episodes were a swing and a whiff.

I think 90% of Daryl's fandom is strictly the ones who think of him as DILF #1. I do agree with him being safer than Rick.

Is that you, Jeff Probst?

I suspect that a lot of people are still pissed about the finale and saw some things in this episode that would've worked great in the finale. So it is possible or probable that this premier is being judged by last season's finale, unfair as that is.

Yep, should've killed Daryl and left Glenn to show the opposite end of Rick's way of looking at the world.

I didn't understand Maggie's insistence of getting to Hilltop herself, considering she was on death's doorstep a couple hours prior.