
I listen to a lot of podcasts at work and a few of them are about this show. Most reviewers, and I assume the reviewer for this site would be as well, are fair and impartial. They'll give credit where it's due but they'll also be critical when the episode deserves it. I think this episode, and the series as a whole

That's the same reason I was midway thru the last season of Under the Dome before I gave it up. I hated to admit defeat, but Under the Dome finally was able to force my hand, to grab the remote and change the channel.

I've always felt this would be a good show if it weren't so popular, but since gillions of people watch it and AMC makes tons of money there is absolutely no reason give anything more than about a 70% effort at constructing it. They could have an episode where everyone sits around and paints like Bob Ross and still

Eh, you're probably right.

We'll disagree about the importance of the axe. IMO, Negan was showing that he owns Rick, and the axe was the tool he used to do so, I think that makes it a pretty important prop and there shouldn't have been any ambiguity about it. It just seems messy to me.

And then everyone would be asking where the jacket went and how it got on top of the rv or if there were 2 jackets. The sequence could've been a little cleaner and more clear. Or not, a bajillion people watch anyway. Details, schmetails.

And Negan told him about 3 or 4 times to go get the axe, but none of the viewers apparently knew where the hell the axe was. It just seems that if Rick's objective is to get the axe they should've done a better job of showing where the axe was.

I think this axe discussion sums up perfectly what is wrong with this show: The axe is the main point of Negan & Rick being in the rv, in the woods, among the walkers, and the writers/director/editor didn't bother to make it crystal clear where the axe was and how Rick went about getting his hands on it and getting

You're the first person I've seen comment who actually saw the direction he threw the axe and the sound of it landing.

I've seen a few discussions on various sites about it, and one here further down (but yeah, there are over 2,000 comments) but from what I've seen is that no one can pinpoint exactly how the axe ended up on top of the rv, so it appears to be an editing mistake. I'm sure someone who wants to take the time to go back

I haven't watched The Road but I read the book and it's been a while for Requiem for a Dream. My problem is not the subject matter or character arcs themselves, but the sloppy way these character arcs are written. Characters, like Carol, just kinda change overnight with no real reason given or any foreshadowing that

The axe has been a point of discussion. I think it's a continuity error.

One more thing, I think that instead of driving around in the rv doing an extended "get me my axe scene" we should've checked in with Carol and Morgan to see what they were up to. I think it would've helped the pacing and the episode wouldn't have seemed so drawn out.

They should've killed Daryl instead of Glenn, for all the reasons you listed.

Anyone else distracted by how hot Negan is?

I've always wondered how much his and Gimple's hands are tied by AMC.

I can take or leave Andrew Lincoln as Rick Grimes but in his defense the script really doesn't give him much to work with. Rick's an idiot in this show and the dialogue is terrible.

LOL, savage

Daryl replies "dang".

I like to think that Rick and Daryl took the RPG out into the woods and blew shit up just for fun, so now they don't have any shells left. :(