
Did anybody notice the various THOH callbacks throughout the episode? A black hole alien from THOH XXIII was seen on the Syfy Married with Children, an ironic punishment donut device was seen in the school from THOH IV, the animal versions of the family from THOH XIII were seen just before the credits, and Willie

And with that, my one positive is gone.

What if the future Brian episodes are actually Vinnie episodes and they used "Brian" in the titles and descriptions to misdirect fans?

This is not the character who was teased to die. That episode will likely be next season and it is speculated that it is Krusty's father Rabbi Hyman Krustofsky.

Check out the version of the episode on Hulu. Instead of Marcia's memorial card, they have a full Chip montage of all the past episodes he has "appeared" in. I loved Marcia's tributes… but cutting Chip's credits gag actually killed one of the funniest jokes in the episode. Now the Joe Nameth appearance at the intro

The finale did not make me regret watching a single moment of the series. I still love seasons 1-4. I just regret sticking with the series through seasons 5-8.

I took Roger's "pop pop" line as an Arrested Development reference. 

In a nerdy voice: The episode in which they adopt SLH was the premiere, which was a Christmas special which preceded season 1. So there is no way you'd see that happen in season 2.