Greg Turner

Neolution was the overarching movement seen in the club by the body mod fans and the shadowy organization run from the island. Dyad and Brightborn were companies within it with Brightborn largely being taken out in season 4. Somewhere in between was Topside.

Jesse was largely a one night stand. Shay was a break up. Vic and Angie were forced out of the picture when Donnie confronted them about the sting operation. Some characters would naturally be left unknown. Cal is the only loose end for me.

They had a balancing act. Include enough Canadian stuff (ie money and licence plates) so that it was clearly Canadian content for the sake of broadcast regulations for Space while being vague enough to go unnoticed by most Americans, hence Cosima going to school in Minnesota and the Hendrixes talking about hiding in

I see Mud as being the equivalent of Dennis Hopper's character in Apocalypse Now. She's meant to be the voice of the brainwashed villagers and stress the greatness/danger of the man in charge.

Fontenac was going to shoot him, though.

If you have cable with BBC America, it's still available on their website for the next two years and change.

It's actually probably easier than we think when it comes to clones in less developed countries. A doctor arriving in a town and providing vaccines wouldn't be unusual. Now whether or not Delphine and Cosima are only giving those treatments or are also providing some other volunteer medical care to others is unclear.

I can also see potential for sequels (at least in the form of one off specials) around Dyad or Brightborn scientists that slip through the cracks and try to continue the work. With a multinational network of companies, some lab in a Third World country is probably surviving.

Realistically the girl playing Kira grew out of the part since the whole series is only supposed to take around 1 year up to the birth of Helena's babies. They went from a 6 year old playing 7 to a 10 year old playing 8.

Why wouldn't Helena be forgiven? They've clearly accepted that she was brainwashed into doing the killing and can see her commitment to the sestras once she made a connection with them. In a weird way she was the most innocent person on the show.

The thing I like about the last clone is that she basically is "just" Tatiana. No wigs or glasses or makeup effects. She looked just like she would look like at a Comic Con.

I'm kind of glade they went that route because, realistically, even if the producers wanted a really dark, depressing ending, there was no way the clones could lose in 45 minutes, so that part of the drama was already over. All that was left was to see if Sarah, Helena, Art, and Scott survived. (Part of me thought

In some ways, I see the convoluted aspects of the show as a good thing because it makes it more real. Granted, it makes it harder to watch and forces you to commit to watching every episode, but a r.eal life investigation wouldn't go smoothly with clearly defined villains

I remember being completely lost at the start of season 4 primarily because it had been so long since the Neolution stuff had been at the center of the story plus I know I had missed a couple episodes in each of the first two seasons. Going back and rewatching over the course of July was really satisfying way to get

Carpet bombing for the purpose of killing off a civilian population, even a population that is supporting/harboring rebels, would likely be considered a war crime in the real world. As often as we carpet bombed Germany and fire bombed Japan in WII there was always ostensibly a military infrastructure being attacked.