
Speak for yourself

Agreed on the tennis outfit. Very handsome.

I have found this second season not nearly as compelling as the first one, but I am not quite sure why. Might be me. Might rewatch it. Mostly I find it interesting that I see a lot of this in my own life (although none of it as exaggerated of course).

Ahahaha, Marshall Marshall Mann is the serial killer. Good one.

Definitely very, very cute.

That beautiful Merc is not a beater!

Totally agree. It's the one episode where they actually spend time together and develop some chemistry, and it has some really great moments. Riding around playing Gravediggaz man, I wanted to marry Mickey then and there.

Right now I just wanna be hot-boxing with Mickey :(

Ain't that the truth?!

Mickey, dude. Gus is wrong for you. he's emotionally immature and self involved. He is at a point in his life where he'll be acting out and expressing his 'me me me' side for a while before he realises what that does to others around him. You on the other hand, are a beautiful human being. In need of a platonic

Hey, for some of us, Tinder is all we have. Don't crush my dreams like that.

The Michelle/Brett stuff is a bit too close to home for me. Alex is hilarious on set.

I've watched the show twice now. Mickey pushes every emotional button for me, and I don't even know why.