Chris Jenkins

Not for me. I play true mages (no archery, no bamf magical weapons, just spells baby), so 75% of my gameplay is praying to Talos that there's no kill me in one shot monsters hiding around the next corner. And given that I only have like 150 hp, most things kill me in one shot. Dungeon crawls are always sweaty anxiety

player.setav carryweight 50000


Uncle Milty. That thing was massive.

Favorite sport: bravely commenting on AVClub.

ANY large company who has access to large amounts of our personal data needs to be constantly scrutinized. I agree 100%.

Sure, I totally get where you're coming from. I used Glass daily during our testing period with it, and know how much of a focal point it is. But here's the thing: it's just like fearing a plane crash while not worrying about driving your car. There are 100,000 times the number of car crashes annually that there are

Using Google Glass, I have to be looking at you, and there's no zoom; the lens in the device is ultra shallow, ultra wide angle.

Bravery level: So.

Google Glass adds absolutely nothing new to the lack of expectation of privacy in public. That ended when cameras were integrated with phones. There is literally zero difference between a photo shot in public with Glass versus a photo shot in public with your phone, except for the fact that you have to be looking at