Semi-interesting fact finder.

Well, he left out the part where Dahl was a certified WWII ace fighter pilot; having shot down at least 6 (probably more) German planes in the battle of Athens. He did this despite having the barest minimum of flight training. He was set to be a flight instructor, but yadayada, he instead banged a bunch of chicks,

I wonder what Werner Herzog thinks of PFT's impression of him?

And pretty awesome in action movies.

What are you doing? You'd better reach for the exit.

I'd like Hulu a lot more if it worked worth a damn for me. I can watch anything on Netflix or Prime with no problem, but Hulu has constant connection problems for some unknown reason. It took me like an hour to watch a 22 minute episode of You're the Worst. Funny thing is the ads play with no problem.

What I wonder is how an artist covering another artist's whole album works from a legal standpoint? I assume that T-Swizzle would have to be OK with Ryan Adams covering her songs; but I don't get how he isn't getting or going to get sued somehow.

So rather than viva variety, it was muerte variety?

Plus the idea of the revolution wasn't actually all that popular among people at the time. Something like 2/3rds of colonists really didn't want the war. So any bit of sloganeering and rhetoric helped.

I have always tested spaghetti for done-ness that way. Only one strand though.

I wonder if it's in Vancouver, Canada.

I have Funhouse in my car's CD changer. Car enthusiasts debate fervently about various expensive parts to bolt onto a car to make the thing go faster, but I find that whenever "Down on the Street" comes up I end up driving waaaay faster.

As opposed to Motorhead being the soundtrack? Unless….Motorhead covered the Stooges, which would probably sound really bad-ass.

Sure it does; it casts a shadow which can be used as a sort of rudimentary sundial with which you could tell the time.

I always want to drive those rascal scooters when I go to a mall, but alas I've nobody special with which to engage in such rapscallionery.

How great could it be to live there? You are about 2500 miles from anything, so every single thing is imported at great expense.

It would have been better if he'd made mustard. On the other hand, his pickles look tasty.

Eh, if Fox News crucifies a person they probably did something right.

Nah, it's going to be the hot button topic on Faux News for at least a week.

Rich bastard! Lick the road clean? Pa sold our tongues to old man Abernathy down at the druggist for a tarnished ha'penny and a gallon of bathtub gin. Me and my 37 brothers and sisters had to wipe the streets clean with our asses.

Curb is on Amazon Prime!