John Wallace

You're standing on it, dude.


"The most fun you'll have at the movies this year!"

So, she was a Nazi about it?


Brings new meaning to "the wait is ogre!"

I am so fucking glad that this story is on the AV Club. I'm not sure what started this, but I saw someone share the group this morning and the entire day it's just gotten more and more ridiculous. The group had to change it's name to something generic, I think the people at Sunoco probably called the police because

This is the only way I've ever seen this joke translate into text.

The hot dog stand at the beginning made me smirk.

"You must schlep to the Dagobah system."

It's a testament to how well this show fills in and humanizes its characters that when Jimmy pitched his idea to Kim I was internally really dreading seeing how badly that was going to go for her. Kudos to the creative team - that scene was really, really well-done and scripted well — Jimmy finally knows who he is and

Yup! And Ace spent most of the record on the floor, on his back in a darkened studio.

If you want a burned-out but catchy rock album, you really can't beat Ace's solo album. I was pleasantly surprised, there is some really great drumming on that album, and some decent guitar work. The lyrics are terrible but in a cute sort of way - Ace has never been the most eloquent human being. Hell, it was amazing

It was at least different in that I went "Oh, she's dead" about three times until she actually *did* die unexpectedly.

Yeah, Carol has become this cartoonish badass character that really feels overdone and somewhat cliché. I like the idea of her battered-wife-cum-cold-hearted-ruthless-killer story, but in practice it really sort of feels fake.

Nope, whoever posts last is a loser.

Ughhhhh. As soon as Chris Hardwick came on shouting about "Richonne" I felt stupid for watching this show. It really felt forced to me, and him shouting about social media just makes it feel even more manufactured.

I immediately thought of December 4th by Jay-Z, but I just listened and it doesn't count - not a phone call. And I don't know if that's really his mother.

I noticed that they made damn sure that Andrew Lincoln did not say "Coral" during his sob speech at the end.

I dread it naught. I like to try to make puns that people won't necessarily pickup on, but many times people just think I'm a nut.