John Wallace

There's a reason for the "101" — the basic ideas of the story, character motivations, story development, etc — they seem to be lost on Lucas and because the story makes no sense, the viewers have no attachment to the characters and no understanding of the story. The action and the bluescreen backgrounds and settings

I cannot get past the terrible acting. As "nerdsplaining" as the RLM features are, they're dead on as to why these movies are terrible, even as they belabor their points. Samuel L. Jackson's last few lines in "Sith" are beyond awful, and obviously edited or manipulated — they made me laugh in the theater and took me

How did the creepy Wiggle puppets not make this list?

Seriously, Gregg had pretty much a hat trick on his hands, resurrecting a long-stagnant film franchise (Dracula), the career of an actor who is finally getting his day after years of being out of the spotlight (James Dean), and singlehandedly turning the Decker franchise into the trilogy we all knew it could be.

All the zombies are a buncha dang hunks.

Best album of the 90's? Brutality and Bloodshed for All.

The big boy with the butter!

Shushi is a joke, it's just cat scraps. It's not that hard to let people from other countries talk to you.

I'm gonna dissent a little — this album has always suffered a little for me in the "must-fill-all-80-minutes" department, but I just took another look at the tracklist and realized that most all of the songs I read, I could at least hear a hook in my head. I really have a soft spot for the Terry Lewis / Jimmy Jam New