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    E B

    Good catch! Though it's artistic license to be sure, as the link between IBM and NAZI Germany was not public knowledge in 1969. At least not at a level spoken about by survivors or the general public.

    @avclub-79658bd38b4a86d84383f6398fac664f:disqus "So, in a way, I guess I had become like his co-workers…"

    Ginsberg has always been nuts. From the get go he’s
    displayed multiple signs of being mentally ill. The surprise comes from our insistence
    that he’s simply “out there” and “honest”, or “eccentric” in an earlier age. He
    is all that of course… but also batshit crazy.

    Anyone else notice the reference to the wonderful S&S writer Michael Moorcock? A family member is just now reading the Elric series. We both laughed!