
Mum said it's all just a trick of your camera.

Davos is one of my favorites in the book and show. I hope not.

If only someone cached all those tweets.

That's what happens when you setup a gallery like a grocery store.

How do you determine values for CR and PO?

This is an article about an article about articles.

DJ- Dark Jedi?

Well, he could have went the whole "win the 2016 election for free marketing" route like someone else did….

When I think of nuggs, it ain't chicken!

That parent needs to go to jail for child abuse…. doesn't know who Darth Vader is = shit parent.

E.V.O. or GTFO.

Yeah, but the question of is it blood or is it water is harder to answer.

2 months from now the same scammer will be bitching about them raising prices by a dollar and wondering why…

Kilgrave has daddy issues with his daddy.

"but because daddy issues are a thing every single contemporary superhero has to grapple with in one way or another." <- this is Marvel Netflix in a nutshell.
DD1- Kingpin, DD (via Stick and own father)
DD2- Elektra (via Stick)
JJ- Kilgrave
LC- Stryker, Cottonmouth and to a lesser extent Mariah (uncle)
IF- Ward and to a

I keep seeing the program cuts but where are the tax cuts that are supposed to accompany it? At least I could then take my money and provide for the arts locally. If that's the case who is really losing out? Oh yeah, all those broke ass rural schools…. but we know that isn't going to happen. He's going to gut us

Yofatu Mamau.

It's funny but also dickish until you consider that the show is deviating from the books. The Hound may be dead in books…. we may never find out.

They've already been filled with pee.

God no they don't, those biscuits tastes like cheap Pillsbury biscuits, only plus side is they give you a packet of maple syrup. The chicken I had was hit or miss, usually good but sometimes way too greasy, just like home!