Yeah, those wacky lesbians and gender-swapping Star Lights are just so weird.
Yeah, those wacky lesbians and gender-swapping Star Lights are just so weird.
If all they know of Sailor Moon is the first anime, they wouldn't have the first clue about La Smoking Bomber.
I don't think she's a clusterfuck so much as it was an annoyingly obvious attempt to have Jean Grey alive when she's still pushing up daisies. Plus, making sure every goddamn person is somehow related to a Summers.
Paul Smith's run was sadly too short.
They all do suck.
Opinions are great. But this isn't an opinion, it's an inability to understand why somethings are racist and some aren't. So, hey. At least you…well, no, you didn't really try, so never mind.
I repeat: if you don't understand it, I can't help you. And you clearly don't.
Funny; I'm watching Lilo and Stitch right now, just as I read this article. And they're not wrong.
….the actor was a Cuban who wasn't THAT DARK SKINNED. If you honestly think Desi Arnaz was dark-skinned, that in itself is worrisome. If you look at a picture like this and then tell me you think Bobby Deen is accurately representing his skin tone, you may be blind.
Soo…basically, Kirk just got beat up by his dad.
A "dark-skinned Hispanic character"? You do know that Desi Arnaz was an actual person, not a character, right? Ricky Ricardo is the character.
I always remember it because Rob Paulsen was doing his, what I call, "common cartoon voice": the one that I could always recognize from more than a few shows I watched. The one that's driving me NUTS if I watch the new Turtles cartoon because damn it, DONATELLO SOUNDS LIKE RAPH.
Well, those first two just threw me back into warm, happy nostalgia.
Prime has (or had) Kentucky Fried Movie, and Batman: the Animated Series. I don't argue the majority of their movies suck, but they do have some things that aren't worthless to watch.
The original dub is just a thing of glory. I haven't even heard the new one yet; this one's so iconic, I can't imagine the English voices sounding any different.
A co-worker of mine on third shift at my old job once shot off small fireworks in the store, aiming for the back door; pulled his knife out on customers and stabbed one (thankfully a friend) in the hand; stabbed another in the chest and hand with staples; stole regularly; skateboarded in the lot while on shift; and…
Well, the other option would be a gas station. There's a reason Clerks is a pretty accurate representation of the places I've worked, sadly.
Right? I was surprised at how often I laughed when watching that movie. Granted, I thought I wouldn't laugh at all, so laughing even once would have been a shock, but aside from the grotesque shit scene, it was not entirely horrible.
'eh. I like some of their songs that made it to radio—Everlong, Learn to Fly, can sort of tolerate Monkey Wrench—but I wouldn't go out of my way to buy an album. I do remember years ago when I saw them at Summerfest—and I mean years ago, they were playing on the old Pabst stage or some shit—and being amused that…