
No wonder I missed it.

Now you've done it.

I don't know why it annoys me that they had to re-make "Groove is in the Heart" even though the singer makes it sound almost close to the original. What was the point, Target?

I don't think they showed him when they were going through the presidential skits, did they? I remember they showed Hartman's Reagan.

They were pretty desperately grasping at straws when they hired most of the time.

How much would Lorne Michaels to pay you to shut up, Palin?

Oh come on, there were definitely worse members than RDJ.

Every time I see Dakota Johnson my instinctual reaction is "that poor, poor girl."

True. We should expect them to create a whole new show for him to take over.

Hopefully all of them are pleasantly sloshed to sit through his trainwreck in person.


Definitely doesn't seem exactly all there.

I know his new movie has exactly zero interesting qualifications for me. I'm pretty sure the commercial summarized it pretty well.

So….if Seinfield, the man who wrote a show about nothing, is now on SNL….does that finally render it meaningless?

It's way past their bedtimes.

I know, but I can dream.

Nope, he's still alive.

My mom claims it's "different," but I'd like to know just how, exactly. They even had an Indian!

Ahh. Possibly, then. Which is sad, since he contributed so much to the show.

That would have been the best damn thing of the night.