
Was it someone here on AV Club who pointed out that Nine and Rose kind of balanced each other out, whereas Ten and Rose were destructive and egged each other one? I definitely agree with that one, and I'm a Ten fan.

Yeah, I wasn't a fan of Charley either. When Lucie started, I was pretty pleased. Molly's been sort of borderline so far, but I've only heard Dark Eyes 1 as of now.

Susan's still on Earth as of the BF audios, yeah. Which, if we assume the Eighth Doctor's adventures are all canon now, means she's still in the 26th century after the second Dalek Invasion.

Well, technically…..

iPlayer claims it was "I've got our bench." Could've fooled me.

I didn't even pay much attention to whatever he said. I should rewind it and have a listen.

I like that second one. I seriously don't believe there couldn't have been at least a few more Time Lords wandering around before Gallifrey was time-locked. (And while I'm not entirely up on all of Who history, is there an answer for wherever the Mad Monk has gone? I know he popped up in an Eighth Doctor audio, but

Oh, that's what he called them? Normally I have no problem with his accent, but on that last word, I couldn't figure out what he said at all, save that it ended in 'less.'

They did all of their best strutting in '81.

Well, she is the trope image for Hammerspace at TV Tropes….

And that. That egg was friggin' huge.

Donna, (Big Finish Audio) Lucie Miller, then Ace. But Clara is…well, she's at least less annoying than she was previously. There's still something about her that irritates me.

That is true. Knowing the moon affects tides is something I think I learned in middle school. So yeah, little hard to ignore that bit, not to mention the rest.

No, you're not, but it seems about comparable to the number of people who thought it was greater than sliced bread, so we'll be hearing about it for a while longer.

Me too. Which I find hilarious, as I am a humanities major, but bad science still can throw me right out of a show or a movie pretty fast.

Clara's new Bag of Holding did make me snicker when she pulled that mallet out. And the Doctor-as-Thing (including the quick little jig right afterward) was pretty cute.

Oh definitely, NIN. Even as he's changed, thrown off his company, gone to a different one, done other things, I will still be there with bells on when he drops a new album. I just enjoy his work, even if, as zircona1 said, he might not ever do something like TDS or even The Fragile again.

Yeah. I don't know if I can still say "I'm a fan" when I stopped actually buying albums right before S&M (not that I wasn't interested, but I just never got around to it), and the little I heard of St. Anger made me just say "nope." But would I still pull out Master of Puppets, the Black album, or Ride the Lightning?

Well, you know, no one likes a middle-aged man in tights, slingin' his webs around willy-nilly. Spider-Man is only interesting when he's sexy, single, and underage, apparently. Or at least in Quesada's horrible little brain.

Considering Quesada seems to have an obsession with Parker, I'm not surprised.