
We finally got rid of our old console TV that was, I believe, older than me (I'm 32), about four years ago. It still worked. All we did was put it out on the lawn, and the thing disappeared within an hour. Definitely a sturdy piece of furniture that doubled as a chair, built like a tank, and probably could have

Also on the list: Kids in the Hall. Very, very bad.

Possibly because it's so barely mentioned? I didn't know either, so for shits and giggles I went to his wiki page: it's literally a sentence in his "Personal Life," sandwiched between buying two houses house.

Easily: if you're like me, and never actually saw the original, and only really ever watched Caper and Manhattan. And I was born in 1981. For some reason, I don't think I've ever actually seen the original all the way through at all, but I love the unholy gods out of Caper and Manhattan.

Me too, but it's unavoidable. But as long as the movies aren't absolutely crap, I can somewhat deal with it.

Him too, but I *expected* him to be there already.

I know *I* didn't forget; I almost blurted out loud in the theatre, "Holy shit, it's Mickey Smith!"

I figured they finally got kicked out of Harry's for good years ago, after the owner decided he couldn't afford the insurance.

Because slut-shaming and "cheaters deserve HIV" apparently.

Yeah, but arguably, that's pretty par for the course. Apparently the Marvel U is just that advanced. Which….*is* kind of interesting, since the world around it hasn't changed by much due to this increasing technology, but we'll ignore that bit!

I think you meant Sonic the Hedgehog 2006. Or so the forums tell me.

Except for the dots on his face for the CGI markers, anyway.

Damn, now I'm seeing it too. That actually sounds like a much better idea.

I think what you meant was, "DVD/BR extras are rare after the first immediate release version now." Because the first release tends to have extras (of varying degrees of interest), but I've noticed the cheaper, later editions tend to be barebones as hell.

Thank you. Seriously, that crosses my mind every time I see someone bitch about Crystal Skull being "unrealistic." Aliens are unrealistic? ALIENS?! In a movie series that's been nothing but ridiculous serial stereotypes? Boy was this ever the wrong series to get pissy about realism.

I'd honestly have to pull out my copy of it to check, but it seemed the Shi'ar just recognized the Phoenix-as-Jean as just one big power sinkhole that was too dangerous to live. The M'Kraan plot device was the bigger issue for them.

I think what pisses me off the most about the movies is that, besides the fact the characters tend to act like Ultimate X-Men Mark Millar clones, they're just not overall *good* movies. Except First Class, which I can give a minor pass to because if I just mentally keep telling myself they're not THE X-Men, just

The whole "stuffy British twit as realistic gangster" was hilarious, though I think it's more that it reminds me of a cousin of mine. Not that he's the British twit, he'd actually be the former gang member; I think it's because I can see him getting pissed at someone like Nigel trying to "act real" and somehow being

A. I laughed at all of them pretty hard. Enjoyed the hell out of it.

Honestly, I could crap-all about the books or the TV show, but these
episodes for me didn't even really matter much about the GoT
references. They were still pretty hilarious, because really, it was overall a set of pretty basic ideas: Black Friday is consumerism gone mad, the console wars have gotten to be insane,