
Even worse is what I call a "cracker with cheese;" pizza that's so thin and crispy you could, in fact, slide it under a door, or use as a straight edge. Not that I'm particular for Chicago-style either, it *is* too deep and soggy most of the time.

Honestly, I've just decided that Sheldon just never emotionally grew—or wasn't capable of it without help—past the age of about ten. It makes a lot of his actions seem reasonable when you see them through the lens of a petulant child who doesn't understand why everyone else is such a meany. He just strikes me as

With a giant penis.

Yes. And it's horrible. It really seemed as if someone found Type O Negative, had a lightbulb pop up above their head, and then proceeded to badly dub the music over the movie. With no reason to it at all. (Note: I am a Type O fan. It was still shit.)

Ugh, gods no. Russell Tovey is not attractive to me.

I wouldn't say that; I'd take The Hounds of Baskerville over A Scandal in Bohemia in a hot minute. But A Study in Pink *is* definitely better than The Blind Banker. (Hell, pretty much every other episode is.)

Dear gods, don't jinx it. I'm holding out hope Disney realizes what a goldmine releasing the original untouched versions are.

Aunt Babe's tape wore down, finally.

Now *that* argument I can agree with. And I don 't think it was the angst so much as too many damn writers trying to do their own thing; Onslaught is an excellent example of what happens when there's more than a few books, all of them have different writers, and none of them have a clue except a vague sketch of an

Chicago has the Cubs, they're used to it.

Pretty much. It's also always the assholes who refuse to take part in the system who seem to scream the loudest when shit happens that they don't like. Drives me insane. Only, what, 20% of our entire voting population actually gets out and votes? And a good chunk of them are older people so set in their ways and

Oh yes. I worked for the Census in 2008-09, and I was flat-out accosted by (only, thankfully) two people when I was enumerating. (I had to walk down the street, verifying home addresses, and updating locations via GPS.) One guy was convinced it was some sort of ACORN scheme, of all things. The other stopped giving

No, he's definitely an asshole, but at least then, Wisconsin was still arguably progressive around him. Not quite so much now, or at least, not that I see.

I've seen varying times, but not by much. I feel obligated to give the USPS a bit of a hard time since both my parents retired from it, so I can't blame them anymore. ;)

Basically, yes. Our Voter ID law was struck down as unconstitutional, thankfully, but you can still get voter ID for free. Again, however, that assumes you know about it, and can get to the DMV for one. Walker and his cronies were the ones who pushed the law through to begin with, no surprise.

Ahahaaa. Yeah, you might want to avoid us, then; Milwaukee has a nasty habit of cryptospiridium outbreaks. Can't *imagine* why, with the fancy French corporation dealing with the literal shit in the pipes….

That's a big part of the issue that bugs me too. It wasn't that they were trying to push IDs (not that it isn't still an issue when they're such pricks about it), but the fact they cancelled early voting and other means of getting people in to vote? Fuck those puntos.

I say we should just make it law that everyone has to vote. Like Australia.

Wisconsin actually does have free vote IDs. Though the problem is, if you don't have a computer, you can't order one that way, and if you can't get off work to get to the DMV, you…also can't get one. Or you can snail mail it, but then, who knows how long that will take just for the letter to make it there.

I dunno, I took away both things: they're openly stating that they want to fuck the poor and the minorities, who both tend to vote Democrat more than Republican, and, in the process, proved he's a racist shit too.