
The man has PTSD I don't think it was very conscious to react the way he did.

Varys switched sides so many times trying to find someone better, fantasy metaphors as political statements are so tiring. Liberals really need to rethink their lesser of two evils mindset and support the left instead of hoping a career flip floping Democrat is going to save us

Anarchism wouldnt be Capitalist, they would use a collective groups and forces to seize property and abolish Capitalism. The means of production would be in the people's hands even in post revolution anarchist society so no, ancaps are not all anarchists. Most anarchists believe in abolishing Capitalism through any

Left Libertarianism is the biggest joke of all. AnCaps are a walking contradiction, if they understood their views they would either realize they're left or right. The idea that freedom and no government can exist with Capitalism standing is a fallacy and I don't understand how Leftists can call themselves Anarchists

The fact that Deerhunter wasn't on this list is a tragedy, their creative output and constant change in their music has been so influential on music of the past decade. They aren't as popular as Death Cab or The Decemberists but their music is just as good.