
Yeah, I would have been completely fine with a nonsense "ooh look, an eclipse!" bit when he went outside, just to maintain the darkness that costume needed.

I sort of agree with this? Mostly I'm just terrified at the prospect of the Doctor Who writing staff getting lazy again and just arbitrarily inserting information that needs to be imparted through unconnected Doctor-monologues all the time. Capaldi is a great actor, but even the best performance can't change the fact

Although now I owe the commenter two episodes ago who said they were designed to get tall objects off of shelves a Coke…

I didn't see the preview; the cast I saw didn't have it. And none of what I'm saying is an issue just with the preview either: just going from the end of one episode into the beginning of the other, the climax of part one is still immediately reversed in the opening of part two.

A general rule of thumb regarding New Who two parters: anything the first part cliffhanger or preview asserts to be true about events going forward will be immediately reversed in the early scenes of the second part. For example, whoops, Clara's dead… oh, no she's not. Oh, the Doctor's gone back to kill Bubby Davros…

I think maybe you need to read the whole recap: both of those points are more or less explicitly mentioned, just, you know, a little further down than the first paragraph.

I dunno that we're safe in assuming Peridemption just yet, it seems a little strange to be thinking that coming off of the latest Stevenbomb and its overarching message of "people don't always act in good ways and the resolutions you get might not be the ones you want." One of the things I like most about SU is the

Clearly you have very different possums from the ones in my neck of the woods.

Or, Pearls were made to address the growing problem of mid-ranking Gems being unable to reach things on high shelves. :P

No. Rick is only ever okay when people's selfish actions don't negatively affect him. Remember in Mortynight Run, when Gearhead sold Rick out to the cops, telling him he was just "looking out for number one"? Rick's reaction was to point out that number one is Rick himself, in every possible situation.

Is it kinda surprising to anyone else that this eleven minute animated show has the most mature, subtle representations of relationships in all their forms, possibly out of any show, ever?

Oh my god, I didn't even get that at first: it's a fusion of two instruments! Why you gotta be so clever, Steven Universe? :D

The thing is, as powerful as Lapis' abilities are, I doubt she's physically as strong as Jasper, and the moment Lapis was free and able to use her powers, she was also right goddamn next to Jasper the entire time. Jasper also has the gem disruptor weapon that she used on Garnet earlier (yes Garnet broke that, but

Okay… listen: that is literally the best thing I've ever heard, and if it doesn't happen, I am going to be majorly bummed.

C'mon, you don't think that Connie and Steven getting one would elevate the entire group out of that category, just on the strength of how "The Best" they are? That's just, like, math.

Yeah, honestly, some time with Garnet diffused would be one of the most interesting things the show could do, character-wise, right now. I get the feeling that if it does happen it'll be a while off, but seeing that- maybe even a flashback episode showing how they got into that deep of a relationship- would literally

Who said they were changing for the humans? Maybe they were doing it for themselves. Or maybe they're like Steven in that one episode where he was aging up and down depending on how he felt.

Well, they are also shape shifting projections of their gems, rather than persisting physical bodies; I suspect they can look like whatever they want. They've been tweaking their appearances, rather than outright aging.

Honestly? I don't get it. I liked the shipping joke toward the beginning, but otherwise, I just didn't understand the appeal of what I was seeing. Now, I'm fully cognizant that the fact I've never seen an episode of Uncle Grandpa might play a role in that, but I don't think that particular style of humor would have