Souse Chef

Wut in the butt.

I think I found that week under the couch cushions. Are you sure you want it back?

Yep and she's going out of her way to demonize him which is not gonna make time sharing very friendly either. I personally wish that my parents hadn't waited until I was an adult before they divorced but it was about them and not about me. And this divorce was about them and not about me and not about you.

While we still can, we can can…

You know those things aren't related at all right? Being a dad and being monogamous aren't related. My dad was not good at monogamy and was also not good at being a dad but he wasn't a bad dad because he cheated on my mom. He was a bad dad because he was a bad dad.

Has he? Okay fine. Then maybe he deserves it. But has this website been wall to wall Whedon? Nope. Why now? Why three articles in two days? New blog from bitter ex? Check. Uh…shiny thing. Something something and uh profit? Is Whedon a feminist? Why should I care? I'm not even a Whedon fanatic. I love Firefly but don't

I can go nuts. I can mix milk with Pepsi! Who knows what I can come up with. Any suggestions?

It's a lot of doubling down. Did you ever watch a Whedon project because he was a feminist? I never did. It's an argument for the sake of an argument. That's clickbait. I'm losing place here because it might have been on this article or one of the two that came before it where I pointed out that we already knew that

Also, you better reply soon because the most notorious thing about Kinja is that it is meant to kill conversation.

I'm not trolling. I just think they're trolling us. I've been the aggrieved party in a divorce and it's not something I take lightly. But that's also why I recognize what's going on and it looks like she was foolish enough to air the laundry in public where all the vultures can reap as many clicks as they can get.

I've got a lot of personal background that I could unload on someone else's broken marriage but I know better.

I did and I'm really questioning what's going on here. This is from the editor? Like I mentioned elsewhere I think this is just clickbait and who cares if it drags someone down into the mud over a bad breakup. It's going to distract us from the Kinja hammer that comes down Wednesday at 10 am Central. If this is where


Questionable upvote.

But we can't Talk Hardwick because it will all disappear! Just like all of my memories of Hardwick's "jokes". POINTS!

We have always been at war with Joss Whedon.

Wednesday. 10 am central.


I've been here since it was just a bunch of ink on paper in the back of The Onion. I'm stubborn that way. I've seen a lot of silly shit along the way and this seems to be a really sad way to go down but I'm gonna go down with the ship because on Thursday I can go where I want to.

There is bad pasta?!