Souse Chef

That's why I'll probably migrate over to the alternative WOT and the Avocado. I'll stick around for a bit and see if it gets better but my expectations are low.

The bill is in the mail. You have ninety days to pay.

But the 10 inch dick is the important part.

Did you really just upvote yourself? How old are you? How lonely are you?

I'd rather have Van Gogh's.

Which one of us is whining?


Where have all the good times gone?

Or in Trumpian terms:

Might as well shut it down then. No one watches Fox for real news.

We have a major presidential malfunction but I think we just might blunder through.

Not in this or any other universe.

I hope that those two statements are unrelated. I don't want to even think about him while I'm fucking and I certainly won't fuck him.

Hello Saudi Arabia! How's the anti-Qatar campaign going?

*Sideshow Bob steps on history again and again and again…*

That is a fun fact!

It's really only interesting when Nina and Heidi like different designers - or hate different looks that the other likes. Posen is useless and the guest judges rarely add anything. Tim makes everything better but there's only so much he can do when a bunch of uninteresting designers are stuck with yet another dumpster

I immediately flashed on Fargo because a friend of mine went there but that's North Dakota State University.

That's no way to behave at a circle jerk.