Souse Chef

And if you don't like those then there's usually lots of links elsewhere that might be more to your liking. I've found plenty of interesting corners of the internet buried in the comments here.

I keep meaning to get there but we're still here. I get to the alternate WOT every so often if only because Cali reminds me. I plan on sticking around to see if there's something to see after Kinja but I have a feeling I'm gonna be at the other two more often.

I for one welcome our new Zombie Gene Wilder Overlord.

Who the hell would want a photo of Trump's bedroom?

I just posted this above to @count_erpoint:disqus but you should know this too so apologies for the repetition:

Hey try and stick around but if it all goes to shit there's What's on TV Tonight or something like that on Disqus and the Avocado also on Disqus. If you can't find it as Avocado it should be around as AV Club After Dark. It won't be the same at all but there's a lot of the same commenters. If you don't like either of

Like Judy Tenuta's roommate Blozanne that biscuit is so large that you can't escape its gravitational pull.

So the entire United States. Now come back when you've got an argument because I don't have time for contradictions. They're down the hall.

I'm not happy either. And I'll probably be far less happy when the kinjapocalypse occurs but this is a simple business decision that none of the people that work here seem to like or have any power to change. As far as I can tell the parent corporation just wants everyone on the same platform so that they can sell ads

Do you have weevils? We don't like cabbages that carry weevils.

Do you have two hands? It can be two things.

You keep confusing me with provinces. We don't have provinces in the US. Even the idiots that refuse to call our Civil War a civil war call it a "war between the states". The few states (and they are states) that don't refer to themselves as states get all fancy and call themselves "Commonwealths" but that doesn't

So slavery? I wouldn't want to defend that if I were you.

Howard Johnson is right!

I'm not sure what you're after here. You're the one who said Those would be rules the blue states devised in their own favor, a proud heritage you can trace all the way back to the Federalist Papers and their implementation. I'm saying the blue/red divide is pretty meaningless if you go too far back and even when you

There are kittens all over the internet and they are cute.

Yes. If your kid intentionally killed someone and hoped to kill more.

We've switched sides so often since then that red and blue (which I think was codified with Reagan) don't make sense if you go too far back. Jefferson is considered the first "Democrat" but Virginia which gave us most of our early presidents because we set it up in their favor was "gentleman" farmer country. Hamilton

I'm pretty sure that's not how The Clash began. Weren't they at a Sex Pistols show or something like that? I mean Siouxsie might have had a swastika on her arm or something but that was just to piss off her parents back in Bromley.