Souse Chef

But I, for a really stupid reason, need to keep my identity a secret while I roam from town to city to town and occasionally rip through my clothes and smash shit up.

You're mentholated? That's Kool.

Many sides, many sides…so far I've had the mashed potatoes and gravy. My doctors want me to order the corn but can't they see the mac and cheese is right there? And what? I'm supposed to ignore the biscuit?

You misspelled fapping.

Am I not going to like you when you're angry?

I had the same reaction when I (and a friend) were sent to the first showing of Basic Instinct to see if Queer Nation Milwaukee was going to protest it like other chapters already were. Our reaction was that it was pretty misogynist but not especially worse than just about anything coming out of Hollywood back then

I was told there would be no math.

For better or for WORSE it has. No complaints have dropped him down to the hell he's earned.

There's a black mark for everything that Sex Criminal in Chief has said or done.

Jello Pudding Pops for everyone!

Someone told me there was a Basketball Diary that was all about that but even as a a Jim Carroll fan who has also known lots of people who died, died, often in rhyming fashion I've yet to bother with the movie.

I doubt that it is any truer but Ralph Steadman's I, Leonardo is way more fun than reading Vasari's Lives of Painters. Which one is going to show the unexpecting patron who demanded that Da Vinci paint a battle shield that woud terrify his enemies and there's the patron vomiting at the improbably real sight of things

That's okay because we're gonna have to start all over again. If we let you wander the grounds and pretend then fewer people get hurt..

Does Will pull the usual bullshit of pretending that all of the sonnets are about the same "dark lady"? And all of the cross-dressing was just because of staging requirements?

Modern Love gets me to the church on time. Terrifies me.

Wasn't Madeleine Kahn part of the slumber party where they talked about where babies came from?

Just butt stuff?

Disqus is bad for conversation because it can be unstable.

Everyone but you has been receiving a paycheck.

Who will?