Souse Chef

Yeah, there are very few of my heroes that I would actually want to meet. I had a chance with both Nina Hagen and Debbie Harry and I declined both times. Who wants to know that they're normal?

I'm waiting for my plane
Twenty-six dollars in my hand

Broke and hungover upvote.

Here come the planes.
They're American planes.
Made in America.

I've seen Anderson live four times, five if you count a bookstore appearance where she pulled out a portable keyboard and started telling stories and singing songs that wound up in her next tour.


Oh and if you don't like Big Country (I do) how about Slade's "Run Runaway"?

It's a breakup song. It's supposed to sound painful. She catalogs all the things she no longer loves. And then the bagpipes come in. Then comes that horrible moment when you realize that they're not bagpipes but the sound of her pain and it's coming from her. Even knowing how much electronic interference is required

I prefer fake bagpipes like Laurie Anderson's voice on "Sweaters" or (and this throws it out of this competition) the guitars on just about any Big Country song but especially "In a Big Country".

I'm sure he has but we're talking about musical instruments here, not fapping.

Neil Gaiman strongly disagrees. Then again maybe he does agree and that's why he likes her so much.

Those sound like sex crimes but I guess this is the age of Trump.

Uh, that's pretty much the argument for anything being a meal.

I've yet to find a small portion of pozole. I've yet to find a portion of pozole that I can finish in one sitting. But then my brothers-in-law will eat the giant bowl of pozole and still want tacos or something else after.

When you and a sponge and a bucket of paint all love each other very much…

You forgot Trump. Stealing a presidential election is a pretty effective way of making your underage rape victim that's already afraid of you go even deeper into hiding.

I see you've played knifey-spoony before.

It depends. If they think Cosby wins it's got to be Skinemax. If they think it's Simpson, well there are plenty of networks that like blood.

I would. Ixtapa is right there and looks gorgeous but Zihautanejo is cheaper and Tim Robbins seems fun. Fish are plentiful and the beach is nice. What could go wrong?

Les Miserable upvote.