Souse Chef

Average Mississippian: Em eye ess ess eye ess ess where was I?

This is why Texas doesn't have friends.

Do they have ridiculously large and expensive loft apartments?

G-g-g-g-g-groaning upvote

That's a weird set. The Man Who Sold the World and Hunky Dory don't really belong together except if you force them together you get The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars. Lodger gets almost no attention and is one of my favorites. It usually gets lumped into the "Berlin Trilogy" which only

Does she understand how old school roller skates work? And why Melanie might not like what that key holder was up to?



*clap clap*

I'm not a fan of Midsummer but if I'd seen it when I was four I would probably (hopefully) been entranced.

- Hillary Clinton

*shuts curtain*

Asking is never a problem. I'll only share so much at a time and the assholes over on the Tarantino threads have already got me worked up so you probably got a little more than usual.

I'm ashamed to say that I have also left parties that I have pissed on.

She's from the greatest French playwright?!

Agreed as far as if you're on the outside you probably don't want any of them. Odds are though that one is slightly less objectionable than the others. Also, if the primary is open, those towards the middle have an incentive to move closer to where you want them to get your vote. This is a good thing unless you want

I don't know what it is about personal confessions that bring out the trolls but I'm really tired of this shit.

Ask the Flying Spaghetti Monster why Trump is still all on Twitter.

I know where you are coming from but the argument falls to pieces at the local level. It is simply impossible for anyone but a Democrat to win an election in the city of Milwaukee or for anyone but a Republican to win in most of the area around it. If a Republican in the city or a Democrat in the suburbs or an

Check my profile before the Kinjacolypse. I'm no Trump fan. I was also just at Schindler's factory in Krakow.