Souse Chef

Yeah, they weren't all that happy about Inglorious Basterds either. I expect this one is going to be far worse because it's a smaller story and since most of the perpetrators are still alive he can't just "kill Hitler" his way out.

Woohoo! Now I know where you hide the weed!

We buy them resale after the original owners are sent to prison for dealing.

You don't get to decide who hates what. Other people get to have their own opinions. This isn't Putin's America yet. Just because I don't want to live in Putin's America does not mean that I hate the country that Putin is ruining. Fuck off and leave me alone.

You obviously don't know me at all. To think that I wasted so much time on Russian literature from Dostoevski to Andreev to wind up bantering with trolls like you.

I was offering you an excuse for your idiocy. If you're not a Russian troll then someone needs to sit you down and explain how brains work.

Ha! My dad doesn't even have email.

I hope you never have to know.

Fuck off. There are plenty of people still alive that were devastated by this. And even if they weren't who the fuck are you to judge what suffering is enough before you can be entertained?

Not even in jest. However if this is what he's up to he's taking real people's suffering and using it to entertain. That's immoral.

That's an easy solution if you don't know the victims and seeing their fucking murderer all over the place is not a problem for you.

Part one is, part two crawled very slowly up its own ass, so you're both right.

I'd much rather have that than this.

No. Haneke lays blame. And he doesn't have anyone talk rings around it. He just shows the horrible thing. Here it is.

Wasn't it LonG Island? And of course no one cares about Daniel because apparently he's the nice one.

Starting with Pence.


In states like Wisconsin you don't have to claim a party to vote. The primaries are open. You just only get to vote down one line but you can vote a different party each election.

Luckily the Baldwins were down in what was it Jersey? Because otherwise we would have been deprived of…well there must have been something. I mean I know Stephen didn't do anything worth paying attention to that didn't involve taking off his shirt but I swear Daniel was in something.

Okay, maybe Putin will pay you this week. But you haven't really earned it. You're not convincing anyone with this lame schtick.