Souse Chef

So, from Kremlin (Russian government) to a Russian official in just a few short paragraphs is disturbing for you? It sounds like she was pretty well defined the first time and a couple paragraphs later was described slightly differently just for variation. Not that the meaning was any different. Are you trying to use

If you don't want politics in your pop culture then don't elect a pop culture clown president.

Sheer unadulterated (because there were never any adults in the room) nihilism.

That's what she said.

How many seasons of The Apprentice did we have to put up with Don, Jr. and Ivanka somehow being experts at…something?

This was O'Neal. He's one of the editors. If you like it then stick around. The newer writers attempt to match him.

Not really. You could be talking about Neil Tennant.

I think he was the one in charge of not washing Bob Geldof's hair in the eighties. He's built off of that success.

If you don't like politics in your pop culture then stop electing pop culture clowns as president.

That's good news for the American bourbon purveyers that Trump is throwing under the bus in favor of the dying steel industry. Scotch, Irish, Canadian and rye all have gluten but bourbon is all corn, baby.

No one called Pablo Picasso an asshole.*

Wine was good enough for the wedding in Cana but none for you. Jesus didn't even know all the people on the guest list in Cana but he knew you.

He was celebrating the eucharist with the traditional bourbon with a cherry in it.

Sure. If you're in a parish where the priests don't hog all the wine for themselves.

It's really difficult to be strictly gluten-free. Like kosher kitchen nothing can even touch and there's never been wheat flour in the room gluten-free. But I've got friends who need that. I also know people who claim that everything's better now that they've gone gluten-free while they toast me with a beer.

After being impregnated by the Holy Spirit, Mary was heard to remark: "Once you go God, you never go bod."

Gluten hysteria has been a good news/bad news situation for people who actually have celiac disease. On the one hand they can walk into an average grocery store and probably find something safe to eat. On the other they can now expect to be treated with possibly dangerous disdain by restaurants who think they're just

Gina Lollobrigida.

You were serious? Now that's funny. I thought you were a troll with no jokes.

I'm not a bear. Not even polar.