Paul Jenkins

This is quickly turning into a Bram Hate-a-thon. I liked him in "Good Intentions." Anyway, I thought this episode was okay. At times they seem to be spinning their wheels a little. Still no answers to what the aliens look like, what the 'greatest day' is about, what is going on at the factory, etc. I'm starting to

I thought he did a great job in episode 8 "Good Intentions," especially the execution scene on the loading docks. But I agree, sometimes I want him to say something instead of just stare.

Pretty good episode, however I do think episode #8, "Good Intentions" was the best episode so far of both seasons. I agree with some on this blog; the writing on this episode for Bram was a little bit stiff. In "Good Intentions" where he and Snyder are on the loading dock with the other members of the cell being

I have one problem with Season 2; Brussard! Part of his appeal was his clean-cut G.I. Joe look. Showing him all disheveled isn't the same as having him looking like a member of Seal Team 6.

Good episode. Personally, I thought "Good Intentions" was a little more edgy, but I did like this episode as well.

Frankly, the this was the Best Episode so far, of both season! I will say it again, the young actor who plays Braham Bowman has some acting chops. Overall, I give this episode an "A."

I think the article was kind of hard on the young actor who plays Braham Bowman. Seriously, before I read the article I was thinking to myself what a fine acting job he was doing. Additionally, I can see Katie kind of being the 'mother hen' of the resistance sell, I kind of see that coming. Finally, I know Det. Burke

Someone wrote on another blog, and I agree that the problem with these kind of cable sci-fi shows, and even network shows is they don't anticipate being cancelled. When they are, there's all these unresolved story arcs that never get explained. The producers need to give us something more than hints at this and that,