
Same. But that wasnt a Hindu idol… that was a Buddha (but Indianized)

you do realize the point of appropriation isnt to say people shouldnt do it, but that they shouldnt make such fools of themselves and show just how ignorant they are of others cultures? Seriously, educate yourself.

That's great the cultural appropriation doesnt bother you white person, your opinion really matters (which im sure white people love to hear how much of a special snowflake they are) :)

why are you assuming they're children? They could be college age and that would mean they dont really need much parenting relatively. get over yourself, and learn to contextualize

You have to be a handsome person fool. You forgot that part.

You'd be the only one fool. Either you're one of those 'i hate what people objectively love', which is more annoying or it seems more like you're jealous of how awesome she is because you can never match it. But don't worry, you clearly are an expert in annoyingness because you're REALLY annoying yourself. shes