
I just found a pic of them out of character ( http://media.2oceansvibe.co… ), and yeah, both of your theories ring true, haha. Ninja looks totally okay, and Yolandi is fucking gorgeous.

Say what you will about the tenets of quoting Big Lebowski all the goddamn time, Dude, at least it's an ethos!

Really, Disqus? You're going to randomly swap me out for the account that started this mad journey?

You. You are a wonderful person.

(still Huell here, fucking Disqus is throwing a sign-in tantrum again…)

I'm so goddamn speechless right now.

Yeah, "broken" effects via high resolution would actually be a plus for me. :P

How's the video quality on the films? Is anything gained by being on BR, or does it suffer from the effect of the makeup not being meant to be seen in that level of clarity?

Glassnote has just tweeted Danny Glover's home address.

Thanks for yet again randomly signing me out and not letting me sign back in, Disqus! If I can't maintain the commenting kayfabe that is my Huell account, what am I even doing here? Huh, Disqus? Huh!?

And if you don't buy them, you'll end up with a little human after all.