shape of ejectulation
shape of ejectulation
let me tell you all how it really happens. The movie makes a boatload of money and the DC fans all love it but then the critics lie and say it is a awful movie and marvel fanboys drool uncontrollably screaming its such a bad movie though not one has really seen it. BTW, the marvel fan boys who comment on my comment…
Already seen trailers for Dr strange and it looks awful, I like wonder woman a lot but not enough to give marvel money, at least marvel fans will have 2 1/2 mins of a real superhero movie !
Hello Marvel fanboys , the totals are in and it is at 424.1 million dollars worldwide for a weekend opening and still going up. I am sure all of you Marvel fan boys will like that Batman V Superman -Dawn of Justice is the Biggest global Superhero film weekend opening for all SuperHero films . I wonder how well Cap…
You really need glasses but let's talk numbers. Batman V Superman-Dawn of Justice had a 424.1 weekend opening , meaning it scored as the biggest superhero film opening of all time, taking away all bragging rights for Marvel when it concerns weekend opening for a Superhero Movie.
Why don't you go watch some marvel movies. They will need your help to catch up to the Snyder BVS Movie !