
What the fuck happened to Ben Stiller, by the way?

As long as they aren't what he identifies with: the white male!

They're Nazis, Donald. They're Nazis that also support Confederate ideals. There is no grey area, it's pretty obviously good vs. evil.

It's like a child that won't stop asking for more of one line of LEGO.

Wait Fox might make a Fantastic Four related project worthwhile?

First few episodes were REALLY good but holy shit did the post-winter break episodes drop the ball and make this season suck hard. (Unpopular opinion but I kinda like season 3, some stuff was bad but there was more good imo.) I only liked the Constantine, Vixen, and Roy episodes.



What the heck is it cancel-athon for ABC?

I always feel left out in liking New Nightmare. It's not as good as the first/third films, but it was enjoyable and good to see a more twisted Freddy again.

Oh my god the part where Cisco said Barry with Kendra there, coulda just been "HEY BARRY ALLEN, SON OF JOE WEST, FORENSIC SCIENTIST AT THE CCPD WHO ALSO IS THE FLASH AND KNOWS THE ARROW."

It's a tidalwave of shitty content.

I don't nose what my problem is with this short.

Ya know, at first this sounded weird… but after watching the trailer I'm quite digging it.

Shit, how'd you find out? I thought we were very secretive.

I'm first but I have nothing clever to say.

This makes me pretty sad. If he had lived and the film had been finished it probably would have been very good. I'm not denying that Farley worked with physical humor best, but he seemed like he could have made his Shrek work.

I don't get why Onion's birthday present is his birth. Who the hell gives that as a PRESENT?

I love Amethyst. It SLIGHTLY disappoints me that they don't always give her much to do, but when they do it's always very good.