
There was a whole mess involving three schools (PS 191, 199, 452) on the Upper West Side being shuffled around to deal with segregation and crowding - there's a series of articles in a number of places including the NYT and WNYC. Easy to look up once you know the other schools. He said he was upset about PS 452 being

I really thought this show was going to be set in some sort of countryside government-in-exile facility like Camp David, so imagine my surprise when they went straight to high visibility target like the White House…

I meant that someone born outside the US like Madeline Albright could also be outside the US during State of the Union because the Secretary of State travels a lot. Sorry if unclear

I was thinking about this while watching, because it would also make sense if the Secretary of State was out of the country during the State of the Union. Having a living cabinet secretary who was ahead in the line of succession but not eligible for the presidency would be really interesting to explore. Would they be

I don't see how she can possibly run again after James and Doyle both stabbed her in the back. It shows that the people who worked close with her had zero confidence in her.

Oh, I'm pretty sure he burned the garbage because he was angry that he didn't get to go to the Muir Woods benefit. But Erlich probably thinks he didn't understand.

For a normal person, yeah. But she tore that baby open the second he handed her the Milky Way he got her. If she'd put it to one side and said that she'd eat it after her burger, he probably would have assumed she was getting used to them being available all the time and brushed it off.

Or Amador-y?

I was reminding the other poster that he was posing as a member, not suggesting that someone could prove he was an agent provocateur. All the people Todd sees around campus (except Hans) think he's a real member and everyone would keep thinking that if a bomb was found in his room.

Getting the bomb discovered would not be a propaganda win because Todd has been posing as a member of the anti-apartheid group and that's who would get blamed for the bomb.

If they'd done that, it would have been blamed on the anti-apartheid movement because Todd was posing as a member.

I guess I meant that Philip and Elizabeth haven't talked about how the Center is going to want Henry because they're focused on Paige. They're not neglecting him as parents, but they're thinking of him as too young and the audience is seeing that he's growing up.

I've been thinking this for a while. It feels like every scene with Henry in it somehow highlights that he's growing up and no one's really paying attention. He's hitting puberty, asking tons of questions, using words like discourse, and at other people's houses working on projects very often.