
I don't think it's an insult either. Taking a jab at what a person likes to eat isn't harmful.

Still doesn't give any credence to Eric's statement, which is what I was replying to. Since it is already a pejorative term, saying it's "used in the pejorative" makes no sense.

Well considering the demographic for this site is entirely different than that of the one Patton's joke was making fun of, then yes it is understandable why they didn't get this joke.

You do know that "social justice warrior" is already a pejorative term, right?

Which one seems more plausible - someone setting out to read 9, 000 tweets from a new comedian because they love the Daily Show THAT much or someone taking the time to get a third-party tool to read through old tweets on a person who is currently trending to stir up something that will inevitably get their websites

I agree with you on that. I completely understand how jokes about stereotypes are offensive. However, in this case, the "stereotypes" here are that Jewish people are rich (behind every successful rapper there is a Jewish billionaire) and Jewish woman aren't sluts (they don't go down easily). Therefore the 'outrage'

Haha, I love this.

I think this joke largely went over most people's heads because they have yet to be introduced to the social justice warriors that plague sites like Tumblr. Unless you spend a lot of time following these kinds of issues, you probably won't get why 9 back-to-back tweets with just the word "problematic" is hilarious.

Damn, I love you for noticing that.

This wasn't a simple scan through Noah's timeline. He has around 9000 tweets and you can't search back farther than 3000 tweets without a third-party tool. Some of those tweets date back to 2010 so the person who did went LOOKING for something to be offended by and yes, the act of doing so is indeed offensive.

Calling him a slave owner over this is exactly the type of crap the joke was meant to highlight.