Penny Royal

Didn't purport to crack the case, just opening up a discussion point in hopes that
others would contribute their views. Not
to be shamed for, in your view, stating the obvious. Be kind - even in anonymity.

Anyone remember John Justice Wheeler, Audrey's last great love, heading off to South America because his business partner had been murdered at the end of S. 2? Isn't that also where Jeffries was when he was staying in that hotel (that he flamed back into in FWWM)? Could be totally unrelated or a connection. Someone

That's a good point, I hadn't thought of that! At this point I'm not even sure what the 'realities' are — dream world, coma world, after-life, limbo, alternate universe. I just get a strong sense that reality and alternate world are colliding somehow. One thing the whole "BOB feeds on fear" thing reminds me of is the

Will do (do you have the link by any chance?) I've gone through ss. 1 and 2, FWWM and FWWM: Missing Pieces at this point. I have a big appetite for this right now so definitely psyched to see another 'missing piece'!

Yeah I read that but hadn't seen that version myself, thanks. I still think it could be a shadow reference to the boiler room in the 'Naido world' going with the 'there's a twin of everything' theory. But like everything in TP theories are constantly getting disproven.

P.S. (sorry for the long ramble, so many thoughts coming into my head)… Did the boiler room James went into remind anyone of the alternate space where Coop first met Naido and Ronette? Something about it seemed familiar.

Where the plot seems to be heading is the archetypical trope of "parallel universes collapsing and overlapping." There is definitely a space-time continuum disconnect (see: the 'has anyone seen Bing' scene and Bobby Briggs discussing his day, which happened days ago). And of course there's the dream thread. In the

After a 'blow your mind' episode (8) and two extremely weak episodes, 11 really delivers! Some stray thoughts on Dougie-Coop world… Candie seems to be in a similar daze to Dougie-Coop's space-out. When someone snaps their fingers she snaps out of it (like Dougie-Coop when the driver snapped his fingers and said 'red

Did anyone catch what I assume was a subtle wink and a nod to Duchovny's Californication character — the mistaken BJ seen with Sanjay's boyfriend. Felt very Hank Moody.

I don't believe it was Alicia who said “my time with you as your friend was the best I ever had,” but rather Kalinda.