Bloo Bloo

Carmichal. But you did indeed say. Nice piggy backing. Smh

Lol…right that. Um no. Already make overs, teeth additions, flights all over the country, newfound "fame" via a slanted media, and yes it is obvious. These women have found their second momensts of fame. And you know what? Their approach does nothing to empower rape victims. Not one has said, "Go to the Police or ER

Rape Apologists or those that like evidence and due process? One in the same in your book I bet.


They have been speaking left and right. New teeth, make overs…flights and attention. Question, which everyone shouled be asking, is who is paying for it all.

Really? It seems only they have had a voice. Cosby was shut down by their lawsuits.

Why are these people not speaking out about the power women have and their responsibility to pursue claims, like the rest of us, for any crime, in the alotted time? It is not like it is a year, or two. This is actually disempowering women. Making them long term victims instaed of powerful beings.

Rape victims have everything at their disposal. Support and documentation is the key and well available in rape cases.

Allred did and now her daughter, Lisa Bloom is in Janice Dickinson's case. It was always about the money. Oh and eliminating the SOL on rape

Wow. Really?

Yes, justice and a few million….and a job interview in pajamas.

It is not even remotely even-handed and is totally slanted. If you think this is responsible journalism then take a journalism course.

Interesting how the Cosby allegations parallel Yewtree history. Luckily we have statute of limitations here to protect all parties.