
This is gonna put Chance the Rapper's rep in the Crapper.

Don't forget the ant overlords.

Provided that your lunch does not consist of six bloody marys, that is!

Am I the only one who finds the phrase, "the Cleve," slightly risque?

Thank god. I really miss the way the morning "news" on my local Fox affiliate included 17 minutes of schilling for American Idol.

This is the quintessential review of a guy who really liked the movie but feels vaguely guilty for it.

Is that a spit bubble on her lower lip?

So she's going to follow recent precedent and sign a contract with NBC, right?

That sounds great. Can you watch my kids this Sunday?

The smell of mothballs should have drowned out the smell of bongwater by now.

Apparently, for all these years the A.V.Club has been laboring under the illusion that it serves some sort of redeeming societal purpose.

That's kinda his schtick.

What the hell. You misspelled a bunch of words.

Bow-chikka bow bow.

By stuffing a sock down his throat. Now THAT is poetic!

Seriously. Next think you know, they'll announce that Hooch dies at the end of Turner & Hooch!

Fantastic Quilts and How to Stitch them.

the Muthafuckin' one, or the other one?

Gizmodo has an article this morning about how the internet has lost its shit in response to this apology.

And he mentally abused children on a regular basis! Yay Snape!