snowflakes like you for sure
snowflakes like you for sure
hah.. the grammar police. you must be ecstatic to find fault
did i hurt your feelings there
another snowflake pretending to be smart.
that guy is a troll. ignore him. that's all he's been posting
I love our President! For the snowflakes who have a problem with him, this is how a REAL President who actually LOVES his country, and the Americans, behaves! Get used to it! 😉🇱🇷#MAGA
then move on to coloring your book
coz you're dumb
go f$&k yourself
i dont give a fuck what you are. i know you're a snowflake dumbass moron
beat them like your bruised feelings?
liberals are the new snowflakes
yeah that included you
your response just proved my point. you grow the fuck up since you look old already
lots of sorry snowflakes here