Peter Venkman

I'm not going to say the show shortchanged cops, because they are generally inept at tactical operations, but you do have to lay down covering fire when maneuvering. That isn't a waste of ammo, it's a necessity.

I'm not going to say the show shortchanged cops, because they are generally inept at tactical operations, but you do have to lay down covering fire when maneuvering. That isn't a waste of ammo, it's a necessity.

You're absolutely right, but I think that we can prove our point partly by being bigger people, and not stooping to the level of insulting religious people. We also have to remember that, much like coming out, questioning religious dogma is a process for a lot of people, and doesn't necessarily happen with a single,

What you describe is exactly why I have a problem with confrontational atheism of the Richard Dawkins ilk. I have never in my life seen a person persuaded by another person who mocks them, calls them an idiot, and pisses on the things they hold dear. For ALL of us who were raised religious, it was a process to start

Because they indoctrinate us at such a young age, teach mysticism as fact, make it seem as if we're insane to question it, all to put the fear of God into us. I can still remember being terrified as a kid at summer camp when a friend made me listen to "heavy metal" on his Walkman. And why? Because lunatic adults

Every television show launched in the past five years has major gay characters. Every reality show has gay characters in spades. This idea that there isn't enough gay representation is disingenuous. Also, TWD also had Tara, who also had a girlfriend, so Aaron isn't the first gay character. Oh wait, lesbians don't

A year ago I adopted my first cat, a gray tabby kitten. And although it was an awesome experience, and I love the little bastard even more now that he's grown into an adult, next time I'm going to adopt an older cat. The first and most obvious reason is that adults are a lot less likely to find a home, but also

Then you'd really hate dance music/techno/trance/house/deep house/French house/ nu disco/ happy hardcore/derpstep/ ambient/breakbeat/electroclash/coldwave/dubtronica/trancecore/eurofunk and hipsterclash.

Cause and effect, as the Merovingian might say. Zuul was making a comeback (big, slobbering dogs were already in fashion again by that point), thus an increase in ectoplasmic activity, thus somebody had to deal with all those new ghouls and ghosts. Where do those stairs go, you ask? They go up.

You may be able to jump systems in five minutes in Star Wars, but George Lucas, an awful writer in his own right, at least had the sense not to have Vader die in a supernova instead of the hero killing him. TWD has seriously fallen off since S1 & 2.

Agreed, it was awful. I'm actually surprised that Zack thinks the dialog is serviceable, because I think it's horrid. TWD always has its characters tell us exactly how they feel instead of showing us, and the result is characters who come off as tedious and mopey. There are so many compelling narrative possibilities,

Sometimes I have to remind myself there are dragons and rewind to see them because I can't take my eyes off Emelia Clarke. Then I get distracted again and forget about the dragons, again, because Emelia Clarke.

You kids today with your fancy fiber optic connections and your tube sites with streaming HD pr0n. Back in my day, you were grateful to have a 28.8k modem, and it took six minutes just to download a JPG of a fake Jennifer Aniston nude.

At the pre-Blockbuster, mom and pop video store in my town, all the pr0n covers were placed in two thick binders and numbered, ostensibly to save the customers embarrassment but also to prevent conversations like "I'll take Backdoor Sluts 9, please." It also prevented us kids from browsing the pr0n.

Yes and yes. She's 26. Part of me wants to believe it was her comedic timing and her ability to go over the top in a good way that landed her the role, but the cynic in me also knows the network wanted a young, beautiful woman in the role regardless of whether she could actually be the mom of an 11-year-old. That, and

I loved the brother in law bragging about his "special internet computer" and the modem gag. And yes, using Live made the cousin 1,000 times more lame and hilarious. I'm liking this show a lot so far, especially for the 90s nostalgia used for comic effect. Also, Jessica is the hottest mom on TV.