Some guy

The killer from Halloween is hosting a Gong Show reboot?

The hand up the middle also appears in unorthodox porn.


Wait, there's a free pancake day??

If you are smawt, you will allow him to open daws and hold chehs.

You seem to be suggesting that they should have used a picture that didn't feature naked ladies, but that would just be absurd.


You always rent two disks. One to watch, and the other is your catcher.

… or for those guitars that are, like, double guitars.

I think I remember reading - long, long ago - Peter Fonda explaining that "easy rider" was a term for someone who was friends with a pimp, so he got to have sex with prostitutes for free.

River Deep

The devil made him do it.

I remember thinking it would be awesome to be Roger Daltrey. Only we didn't say "awesome" back then; we said "keen".

I guess you're some kind of Nazi Grammar Nazi Grammar Nazi.

That might explain the complete lack of peripheral vision on the parts of Sansa, Theon, the half-dozen or so henchmen and the pack of dogs. How else did a hulking big woman and her sidekick manage to sneak up on everybody?

Don't forget foxy boxing!

When I was a kid, I saw the inside by painstakingly using the knobs to scrape away all of the dust, line by line. Then you could see through the screen like a window.

The whole concept is outlanedish.

The only grades I need are the As of spades.

And of course the answer was "brain tumour".