
Well, my view of this is influenced by my view that humans are not inherently good, rather, they are inherently power hungry and sadistic and that this is an consistent undercurrent to their behavior. Despite them liking it, it's still hurting someone. That's how the sadist derives pleasure from the act: pleasure from

Being a housewife doesn't necessarily mean you're perpetuating negative (which is what I should have specified) gendered norms. I would say if you're a Christian housewife who believes women should submit to the husbands then yes, you are, out of patriarchal religion. But I think mothers/housewives are vital to the

I would say yes, it is perpetuating the problem if it has sexist elements it, especially if the man, in a position of societal privilege, is eroticizing sexism. The dynamics are not equal. That's not to say I believe in being the bedroom police, but it's not radical or subversive whatsoever. It's almost like a coping

"Well the mere act of penetration asserts dominance over the penetrated"

"You can't be a thoughtful, open-minded person and reach the conclusion that a specific type of consensual sex is inherently wrong"

Which is exactly why the men in fem dom porn are often referred to as "sissies" and other feminized words. For a man to be like a woman in our culture is to be degraded and downgraded, and that's reflected in the porn/fantasy. It demonstrates a rather demeaning attitude to the feminine "role," in actuality.

It sounds much more akin to perpetuation if it's repeating the same societal and gendered structure. I get the sentiment, but I think people are too brisk to slap the reclamation label on something just because they like it.

I don't think it's wrong either. Why is it that to some, sex is one area where politics fail to touch? Especially when so many get their sex ed from porn these days, from an often-sexist, very fake product meant to sell rather than extol consent and feminism.

Feminism isn't about giving women's choices a gold star. Feminism is about dismantling patriarchy and attaining liberation. Women make choices that align with patriarchy all the time. Just look at Republican women. Just look at women in patriarchal religions who see no issue with them. Just look at women who critique