Kevin Thomas

I enjoy the show but man, when Eph was trading booze for his medical skills and the guy said he was profiting off of the new world I half expected him to say "Who's the real vampire here?"

You also forgot: "Barry Allen doesn't kill. He's the good guy. The boy Joe raised, the man Iris loves." Which should just be Savitar saying "Barry Allen doesn't kill…but he will…when he becomes me."

I remember being too terrified to go into the horror section at my local video store because I was absolutely terrified of Freddy Krueger and they box art for Nightmare 2 was LITERALLY right inside the doorway so I couldn't go in even though it was at the window and therefore the most brightly lit room in the whole

I enjoyed this pilot for the most part but I feel that if it came in with a different title it may have a better chance. Calling it Training Day gives it a whole lot of baggage to handle but it could have a title like ROGUE, sure it's generic as Hell but with Paxton in the lead it could at least gain an interest at

It sounds like you're trying to tell me something happened to Toby but I can't break through this odd code you've written in the review. Toby had…and then it blanks out. Sure, this could be my brain trying to black out horribly sad news about one of my new favorite TV characters but I think it's you.

These things are tough to take in the harsh light of day or daylight if you will.

While there were bits I enjoyed of this episode it didn't feel at all like a Treehouse of Horror. It felt closer to one of the multitude of other anthology episodes like Simpsons Tall Tales, 22 Short Films About Springfield or Trilogy of Error. I feel like this episode may have just been an anthology and they scrapped

Correction: The Terribly CGI'd crow bird. It may have been swooping to get the horribly CGI'd squished rat.

"The power of…Christ that was a lot of stairs."

It's one of those nonsense phrases like ramalamadingdong or Give Peace a Chance.

'It' was my first King NOVEL. I had read 'The Gunslinger' before it but that was a breezy read compared to the weighty tome that is 'It'. I remember wanting to read ever since I had seen the miniseries at a young age and the fact that my parents would always bring up the fact that my dad had read it in the span of a

That's right. I totally forgot about that.

That's what you think. I've asked so many women out for coffee that now everyone else thinks I'm the office polygamist.

Eugene had a lot of balls doing that.

I'm accepted! I mean…Rocky,

Dennis, Rocky, Jerry

Mac didn't go to school for that.

That's what I was thinking. I was also considering the possibility that they were going to do a Flashpoint scenario to close out the first season of The Flash but then thought it might be a bit of a lofty idea. It would definitely be fun to do it sometime down the line though. Maybe have Jay attempting to fill the

The whole Robert Queen being 'The Hood' thing reminds me of the Flashpoint universe where Thomas Wayne was Batman and Martha Wayne was The Joker in the alternate universe where Barry's mother lived and Bruce Wayne was killed in Crime Alley