
Anybody else notice that in the panoramic shot of the dump it appears as though the dump filled with mental patients has a helipad? I wonder if that is going to become important down the line.

But how will we be able to check in with that guy that we last saw 9 months ago that had some lines in an episode where nothing really happened?

Why does every background character in these walled off towns wear the exact same thing? Cargo pants + checkered button down shirt.

How hard would it be for Peter Parker to walk past Pop's in Homecoming?

She needs a black cape. She can lift the edges of it up to her face as she leaves a room, cackling maniacally.

I made the mistake of watching a couple of season 2 episodes of The West Wing before watching this week's Designated Survivor. I like DS, but yeah, it is definitely JV squad work.
Also, is this really a world where a reported would interrupt a speech like that to have the president comment on something that was

I wonder when Disney will start mining the Pixar movies for their live-action reimaginings… See photorealistic CGI versions of your favorite near photorealistic characters!

Listen, I understand that this show would be boring as hell if everyone made smart decisions, but Madison… HOLY SHIT. Are the writers sitting around thinking, "What is the dumbest goddamn thing we can have these characters do?" Wasn't it last week that she was saying something along the lines of "This only works if no

It was good, kinda fun. My kids enjoyed it thoroughly. Thank goodness that they excised the group dance scene from the narrative. Oof. That looked pretty bad.

Time travel? Malfoy? They should bring Emma Watson in for an episode just to punch a motherfucker.

$10 says he's catching a ride from NYC back to Queens.

Hell, give him a flaming log like in Hardhome. He could have decimated the guys with shields.

What's next? Paul Feig traveling through time to find fans of the original, then killing their parents so he can LITERALLY RUIN THEIR CHILDHOODS?!!

TRAVIS, PUT YOUR SHOES ON. Mexico isn't carpeted.

Nick saying that their group were the monsters that destroy everything is a pretty spot on criticism of Rick and his crew. Do we really need ANOTHER slowly dwindling group of people that get whole towns killed?

The fact that Daniel was responsible for the death of ANOTHER large group of people is getting a little too ridiculous. Last time, he let all the zombies out of the stadium… and a lot of people watching the show rightly critized this as like, the murder of all those soldiers. This time, he somehow blows up the whole

Star Wars + Katniss!

How to telegraph:

How much you want to bet that they added the "You'll be fine" after everyone got so pissed off about Glenn "dying?"

So this appears to be a movie that I will not be taking my 7 year old son to…