
When someone sees a B for Westworld, they automatically know that's a great episode of an amazing show. This is also true for Agents Of SHIELD, but the average person thinks oh another bad score for a bad show, when that isn't true at all. If they ranked this show on the same level as the Flash then each episode would

The average person doesn't know that. When someone sees a B for Westworld, they automatically know that's a great episode of an amazing show. This is also true for Agents Of SHIELD, but the average person thinks oh another bad score for a bad show, when that isn't true at all. If they ranked this show on the same

The average person doesn't know that. When someone sees a B for Westworld, they automatically know that's a great episode of an amazing show. This is also true for Agents Of SHIELD, but the average person thinks oh another bad score for a bad show, when that isn't true at all.

The average person doesn't know that. When someone sees a B for Westworld, they automatically know that's a great of an amazing show. This is also true for Agents Of SHIELD, but the average person thinks oh another bad score for a bad show, when that isn't true at all.

Apologies for the bad language, but fck you AVClub. I get it, different opinions and whatnot, but when you review quality episodes, and a quality show, with low grades, you're stopping new viewers from coming. Especially when the first season got destroyed because people (read: idiots) thought Robert Downey Jr and