
Do you listen to the Moth Radio Hour? I listened to an episode once where one of the British reporters that tried exposing him recounting his personal saga with it, and it is insane the lengths to which Lance went to destroy him.

Not gonna lie, I feel really skeevy about him being given a cameo in this where he seems to be in on the joke. But dammit, I did laugh a little at that entire ending gag.

I think Snape suffers slightly from Walter White Syndrome where they're both beautifully crafted characters, but people's love for them as characters is wrongly translated into love for them as people. Walter White is an outstanding character to watch, but the way people defended anything he did after say, season 2 as

I always kind of wondered how much AJ truly cared for Forrest, because she seemed like the kind of person that just didn't like her gig and would rather be doing anything else (hence her excitement at switching places last week). But man, her genuine happiness for Forrest when he got that review request, and then her

For a moment I thought that Grant really was trying to prank Forrest, and that Forrest was going to freak out in a manner that brought about his end. Then Forrest thought it was a prank and I saw where it was going. Brilliant.

"If it makes you feel any better, I forgot my reading glasses."

But wait, she di— oh, yeah.

My ear isn't that good at picking up non-robotic auto-tune, although I know I've heard others say that she sounds auto-tuned in the clips thus far, so you're not alone.

There are 25 shots in that 55 second clip. That's Michael Bay levels of frantic, nonsensical cutting. And some of those shots are just weird (the guy putting his hat on?!).

I would almost feel bad for the guy if it weren't the fact that his employment by Breitbart probably means he's "well, actually"'d minorities on the matter of discrimination, and has tried the pickup artist game more than once.

Her saying "I'm a Millennial, I don't believe in labels" was really one highlight of many in that interview. Even Noah couldn't hide his bafflement at that sentence.

That bit from "Group Hang" was so perfect in capturing how awkward it can be trying to work yourself into a group conversation that you desperately want to be in but have no real hook to get yourself in. Rebecca's attempt is really only slightly heightened for comedic effect, heh.

I haven't watched any other CW shows before, but I've read that they're usually really good about letting shows end on their own terms if it has a loyal audience. Considering the acclaim for this show, and that it's the first show created for The CW to win an Emmy (and it won two!), I imagine that, at worst, they'll

It was also funny to see them talk about how they sync up together, which is something my female friends have talked about happening before to them, but I don't think I've ever heard about that in movies or TV before.

While quoting Dr. Strangelove! What a dreamy moment.

One of the great things about Pierce was that he was stealthily one of the few characters to make it through all four seasons, but he never got much to do - I mostly just remembered him as a consistent, pleasant presence in the President scenes. Then it was as if the writers convened for season five and went "hey, why

Yes! I mentioned her on an older comment because I wasn't seeing any mention of her. Her death still bums me out a lot.

Yeah, that was its second season doing the "four episodes in two days" premiere tactic (such a brilliant move, almost a network predecessor to the Netflix binging model), and it premiered immediately after a widely watched playoff Football game (it was actually delayed 5-10 minutes, I believe). And then it kicked off

The weirdest part about season six was that they tried playing with that idea of long term consequences of terrorist attacks by starting the season after a series of attacks have rocked the country, and the president is trying to figure out what to do. But that season was basically nothing but wasted opportunities.