
Sure, and they had a minimal budget, but I swear they made it work.

Actually one of the things that sucks about this version is that since it's on network TV, they basically bleeped a lot of the language and blurred or cut away from a lot of the less savory stuff. Like when Walter makes Jr. drink that vodka, they wouldn't even show the kid down the drink. It's annoying because it's

No, no. I just added it for dramatic emphasis.

Oh, you're talking about me!! ¡Si, yo soy la que toca la maldita puerta!

The only detective I follow is Harry Hole. Have you read any of that series?

Metástasis/Breaking Bad talk, avec des spoilers, but not too much cos this week I've been marathoning Love/Hate before it expires on Netflix.

Oh man, I was really waffling on whether I wanted to keep on with this season of the show and now I see this A? BRB, gotta catch this ep!

I do.

I love Philip as Clark, except for the fact that he's so deceitful with poor Martha.

We all need a Lying Cat in our lives.

I think one popular take on X-Men is that it drew on the Civil Rights movement. For example, Fassbender/McKellen's character is more of a Malcolm X type and McAvoy/Stewart's character is more of a MLK Jr. type. So the infighting among the mutants is a question of how they want to be treated by the rest of society.

Who the fuck doesn't dig Casablanca. It's like those fucking people who gave the diary of Anne Frank 1-star reviews on Amazon.

Do you need to be a cable subscriber to watch on the Sundance website, or are they streaming for general public consumption?

Hodor, right? I can't believe we're even debating this!

I got to see Frank too! There were only 7 people at the screening I attended and I was laughing the hardest. I felt like a knob, but I couldn't help myself! But yeah, that end was so sad.

I'm trying to decide whether to give up on Who. I desperately want Capaldi to be my Doctor, but the writing is really not doing it for me. It makes me sad.

@mandaliet:disqus , @avclub-011d0b4fe6835bb3d37ef4e0ea713de6:disqus

Scary. Don't feel too dumb about it, I totally fell for the same shit even though I was already college-age at that point and should have known better. The panic just gets to you.

I'm sorry your buddy is having such a shitty time :(

Also, Gustavo Cerati died and I flipped the fuck out.