
Speaking of which, during the Freddie/Will scene tonight, I realized how much Lounds has grown as a character. I hated her so much in the beginning, when she seemed almost cartoonishly evil. I love that her continued appearances have given her room to become a more realistic character.

We're already so spoiled by having such a stunning show on network television!

That's some masterly trolling, that is.

Yikes, I would have been so pissed to see Clarice devolve in that way.

Haha, well, I just wanted to point that out in case people felt intimidated/overwhelmed by all the comments. I know when I first started hanging out at the AVC (Lost recaps!) I wasn't sure whether there would be room for me to contribute. I hope in the next season more people feel comfortable enough to speak

What I find amazing is that I waited all season for Hannibal and Jack to throw down, only to find out it was one of the less important parts of the story. Who the fuck knew there would be so much bloodshed. Holy shit.

Well, if you gave the show a chance and you don't enjoy it, there's nothing to do but to move on.

Seriously. I'll get them a talking pillow and everything.

…part of next season will be Hannibal and Scully's old world adventures.

OMG yes, that image is so accurate. She was basically flopping like a fish, yuck.

Oh man. Wow, okay. I haven't read the books but I would be so very happy to hear about this plot point with Clarice? Please feel free to spoil me, because it sounds terrible and there is no way in hell I'm gonna put the effort into reading it, haha.

It really could have gone either way. But it was definitely shocking to see her appear on this episode. So epic.

Damn it, Carcetti!

Honestly, I like that it's shorter seasons. As much as I love this show, I get pretty distressed by it, so I like having time to recover.

Ugghhhh I know, Mikkelsen can be so terrifying when he wants to be.

BTW, I just saw Under the Skin less than two weeks ago, and that sequence with her going under that black water freaked me out so bad. Poor Alana, I gotta give her credit: when it came down to it, she pulled the fucking trigger.

Speaking of which, in my months commenting on this show, I noticed a lot of upvotes from guests… I only hope that they'll stop lurking next year and join in the fun/trauma.

Y'know, SJ, I've really enjoyed your comments in particular. It's been a ball. :)

Oh lawd, thank you, I needed that laugh.

Yay, I'm finally gonna read the entire walkthrough!