I actually found that storyline really tragic, I thought Davies was really wonderful. If I ever get kicked in the head by a horse, I hope I'm still as beautifully lyrical about life and death as Davies's character was.
I actually found that storyline really tragic, I thought Davies was really wonderful. If I ever get kicked in the head by a horse, I hope I'm still as beautifully lyrical about life and death as Davies's character was.
I've only seen her in Ginger Snaps so it's weird seeing her in a grownup role instead of as a teenager. I'm a little lost on the Verger-lore but I can't wait for what's coming up.
- "It feels like she's still pregnant." I started shrieking, full of dread. And then later the horse autopsy?! Ew. This is not what Fred and Carrie meant by "put a bird on it"!!! It was like the most evil version of a turducken-type of shit, that was.
I know exactly what you mean. Did you see Emerson when Lost was on? Maybe he had bad experiences with fans who wanted to punch his face, or something. Haha.
Oh my god, same here! That clip I linked is literally the only part of the movie I've seen, no joke. But I still feel really verklempt whenever I watch that clip.
That is superfunny. I hope his encounters have been more of the "Wassup? Great to see ya, have a nice day" type and not the "OMG I follow your every move and tweet about it and please be my baby daddy" type. Obviously I don't know how all 8 million New Yorkers would react to seeing someone famous, and I know I've…
Edna Mode? I thought it was his design.
Aw, not the doggies. Even if every single person in this show breaks bad, I want the dogs to remain sweet and innocent.
You probably did the right thing!
Haha, it's not so much about pride. In this occasion, I definitely shouldn't have said anything. I was vague in the comment, but basically they were at my work place(!) and if I'd bothered them I would have gotten a talking to about professionalism. Honestly I'm like nervous even admitting they were at my work, as…
It doesn't show up very clearly but I linked to the previous comment I wrote about it (hover your mouse over the words "last week".) Nothing actually happened, but it was still awesome to see them IRL and not acting like emotionally unstable people.
Yeahhh the woodwinds were fucking rockin' tonight!!!
I thought it was more of a salmon. Connected to all the fishin'. Y'know.
It was even more amazing than when Sun finally met up with Jin again!!!
Oh man, 7 whole minutes on Wrestlemania XXX? I'm in for a fucking treat!!! (This is me saying thanks for the link…)
You're not familiar with Chlumsky's dramatic work? Are you not acquainted with her work in [SPOILERY SPOILERY] My Girl??
I have to say, as much as I've enjoying Mads Mikkelsen shirtless on national television, I will never not love his plastic suit. He looks so wonderfully goofy in it, just when he's supposed to be at his most menacing.
I just thought that, but I'm pretty sure she used her reg'lar hand instead of her robohand.
You said it better than I could.
Wow, I was never a regular listener but I'm gonna have to track down their commentary on this show.