
In that case her only truely Canon appearance is A Scandal in Bohemia in which the King of Bohemia describes her as a former opera singer and well known courtesan with "the face of the most beautiful of women and the mind of the most resolute of men". She is intelligent, strong-willed, and seductive much as she is

The changes leading up to and including episode one of Series 3 were which is what I was saying ("even without having seen Series 3"

I would say that they definitely do not have the same budget, and per episode Elementary is less, but not as much less as you might think. American hour long dramas typically have a budget of 1 to 2 million per episode and Elementary would definitely fit into that category possibly on the higher side as it has two

No, primarily I think Sherlock is more interesting because I think the characters are more interesting on Sherlock and more representative of the spirit of the original. I think the points made in the article about character are simply wrong and often comparing apples to oranges. I find there to be quite a lot of

I would agree it odd timing to write such an article. There are roughly 13.5 hours of Sherlock and 27 hours of Elementary that have been broadcast at this time and to not have seen almost a 1/4 of the product of one of the shows you are comparing makes for bad comparison, and I think you summed up my feelings on why

A) I agree with your A
B) I don't understand your thinking on your B. Why is the more creative, innovative, and interesting use of the visual medium better than the standard? Because it is more creative, interesting and innovative probably. I know I'm comparing unlike things now (and in an extreme way), but I'm

Why? Because they combined two characters from the mythology into one? I don't see how that disproves anything, and there is nothing to prove or disprove as it is simply my opinion. :)

They use elements of real life events but not in depth whole cases as does L&O. Things like a man leaking government secrets ala Snowden, an organization of cyber terrorists ala Anonymous, a funds manager with a Ponzi scheme ala Madoff. They do indeed incorporate a lot of persons, places, and ideas from the original

If you mean the opposite of everything you say then by my opinion you are correct. Elementary is very enjoyable but in no way is more complex or smarter than Sherlock (which has much more subtle and nuanced character development and more intricate cases and solutions), and Elementary is extremely manipulative (heart

Although, yes there is character development in Elementary, I think that the comparison works because Elementary episodes are extremely formulaic, often draw the plot from real headlines and largely follows a tried and true crime drama formula as do Law and Order ( and versions of Law and Order such as Special Victims

I've seen every episode of both, and read every Conan Doyle story. I wonder if you can say as much. Enjoy your opinion, but don't presume that other opinions are based on ignorance.

One is a well done procedural that plays out slightly better than an average episode of Law and Order and following a similar structure to that and a thousand other crime dramas, and the other is the best and most faithful rendering of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's characters and plays out like nothing else on the small