Detective Dupin

Decima running Vigilance would be a huge cop-out. It would kill any credibility Vigilance has because of their sympathetic cause by making it all a ruse.

Heh, he's just jelly that Thom is a million times the song writer he is.

Nah, the strength of Community was cleverness, this had none of that.

Yeah Amell is such a great actor.

Not as horrible as last season's finale, but yeah disappointing for what has been a great season. They fell into all the usual Community cliches instead of trying to turn them up side down.

Amazing episode. I cannot believe we're getting a CBS show this good.

Yeah they need to do something about Rachel next season.

So basically Donna is trying to help Harvey be a good BF, while at the same time knowing that they're not going to make it long term by begging him not to tell her about Mike. Jeez, they've really ruined her character from the greatness of Season 1.

Of course note, I think a lot of people feel that way. Barney's character was totally destroyed.

Yeah they try to make Donna the voice of reason, and it doesn't work at all here.

Show fails Bechdel again, what with Katrina and Rachel talking about Lewis.

Pretty contrived how they were able to pass off as those people in front of their cover ID's friends, but otherwise good episode.

Yeah pretty simple way to fix the finale. it doesn't fix the huge problems the show had throughout, but a simple getting rid of all that crap at the end does feel more satisfying.

A means it's a C, and giving a B means it's a D.

I think the idea is that she wants to be "independent" from her dad.

Hahah I've never heard of this show; I only clicked here because I saw the 'F."

The funny thing is that Mike could have avoided all of this by just getting a paralegal gig like Rachel, and maybe from there go to Harvard in some time.

You're missing the point, Breaking Bad was like a long-form novel telling a singular story. Person of Interest is still part procedural. It may have way more going on than that, but they can't ignore that there's a premise of stopping random murders everyday.

Firstly it wouldn't have. Breaking Bad had its share of meh episodes, and it would have had more if it was 22 episodes People either inflate its quality or are looking back with rose-tinted lenses.

The finale/climax of this season has potential to be either a true milestone in television or a complete fiasco, seeing how awesome the rising tension has been. Abrams usually delivers the latter, but lets hope Nolan doesn't.